Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Peanut butter kisses

The girls and I were headed out the door to have a picnic on the grass, since it was such a spring-ish kind of day and we've been suffering from cabin fever of late. The kids were giddy with excitement at the promise of fresh air. I had my arms full of blanket, plates of sandwiches, juice cup, and baby; my pocket held the nostalgic glass Coke bottle. My husband is always admonishing me against carrying too much for one trip, but I'm stubborn and maybe lazy, too. Upon opening the front door, I hear an explosion and look around for the would-be assassin and find my floor littered with glass shards and fizzing brown pop. Well, Raegan played outside and Pea ate her sandwich in the highchair next to me as I cleaned up the mess. Broken glass really gives me the willies and I fretted my way through the long ordeal. But things started to get brighter as the little one at my elbow would gently pat my arm and offer me encouragement in the form of peanut butter kisses. So sweet!

And we did eventually get out to enjoy the sandbox...just before the boom of thunder announced the rain.


Melody said...

That's the way my attempted outings usually turn out too! Glad you had a sweet little encourager to make the clean up less daunting.

Lady Farmer said...

That just makes Grandma have tears in her eyes! Such a little sweetheart.

Sue said...

I just found your blog and I so enjoyed visiting with you, what a beautiful family you have and I am glad everything turned out fine. So nice to met you.

Mrs. E said...

What a PRECIOUS story!!

Blessings~ Miss Jen