Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sunflower Sun Hat

I finished another goody to put in my shoppe. And Raegan makes her debut as a model.


Liz said...

I am so glad you opened a shop! I have been bragging about the WONDERFUL chocolate soap, so now I have somewhere to send people who ask for it! The hat is adorable!

Lady Farmer said...

Ohh la la! Tres chic, mon belle Raegan! J'tem la chapeaux!
(I wonder what I just said? :~O )
I love the hat!

Mrs. E said...

It is BEAUTIFUL.... :>)
and your model is SO adorable!!

With Much Love~ Miss Jen

lady m said...

oui, oui, mademoiselle Reagan...tres magnifique!

I agree with Lady Farmer...you look adorable ;)


lady m

Melody said...

Look at you go!!! I didn't even know you crocheted....or maybe I did. But I sure didn't know you knew how to make hats!! So cute!