Hurray! A girls' day out! My mom and I have been touring the historic homes in Port Townsend for several years now. Despite a gray, drizzly morning, the weather turned balmy when we arrived in town. Just perfect for strolling the quiet streets, and admiring the quaint old buildings.
On our way home, we stopped at the Organic Valley dairy farm to see where our milk comes from! There are so many residents on a farm!
Support your local farmer! And go organic! =)
What a fun tour!!! I like the "go organic" line! :) My husband planted some organic heirloom tomatoes this year -- they are absolutely DELICIOUS!
Thank you for taking me on your tour. We have a local farmers market every Saturday that sells wonderful organice fruits, veggies and best of all goat cheese!
Happy Autumn to you!
I forgot to add how exciting that your husband is related to Robert Browning!! WOw!
I should say, we BELIEVE he's related. Christopher's grandfather says he has had it researched a bit, but he says, since it's difficult sometimes to find information, believes they might "fill in the blanks". We hope to do our own research, too.=) Thank you for commenting!
Hi Raeann. Thank you for your kind comments. My husband found the old windmill laying on its side on a broken down farm. He asked if he could buy it. He paid $400 for it. It would not turn. He soaked it with WD-40 and slowly it moved. He soaked it more and it moved another inch. Finally it spun perfectly. He pounded out the blades and made them flat again. I certainly hope you can find a windmill. It's a joy to hear them creak as the turn. Kathi
Thanks for taking us along on this interesting and varied tour. You know, I just love that photo of the dilapidated old truck, for some reason. It looks like it is enjoying a good long well-deserved rest, from its long years of service and duty. Nice spot for it!
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